When do I need a transport certificate?

Anyone who earns money with their horse and drives more than 65 km needs a transport certificate, which is usually issued upon request by the district veterinary office.

You are on the way to the tournament with your horses and suddenly you remember that a long time ago you read something about a certificate of transport qualification for horses.

And the question immediately arises: Do I actually need proof when I drive my horses to the tournament?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered simply with yes or no, because there are several points that influence the correct answer.

The answer can be found in the “Regulation on the protection of animals during transport and on the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005 (Animal Welfare Transport Regulation – TierSchTrV)”.

According to this, all drivers who transport livestock, including horses, over a distance of more than 65 km need such proof. This also applies to private transport companies where the transport is linked to an economic activity, i.e. for example the journey to the auction or tournament. Excluded are hobby animal owners who transport their own horses exclusively for hobby purposes or if it involves transporting animals directly to or from a veterinary practice/clinic.

This means that a professional show jumper who takes his horse to a tournament in order to earn prize money needs proof, while Lisa Müller, who takes her pony to a tournament for fun, does not need it.